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Creating Sparks with our Community

In a recent display of community support, Metro Walls collaborated with the Hollis Fire Department to boost their critical live fire training efforts, which took place last month in Hollis, New Hampshire. Through the generous donation of time and labor, Metro Walls contributed their drywall expertise to enhance the training environment for the local firefighters.  

After obtaining the practice facility, the Hollis Fire Department recognized a need to install ceilings throughout the 2,100 square-foot-house, which were previously removed due to an asbestos abatement. The ceilings installed by Metro Walls would not only allow for an improved safe and productive training opportunity but would help contain the fire within each room to facilitate multiple iterations of training scenarios for the crew to extinguish.

North Point Construction, who donated the materials, is a long-standing partner of Metro Walls and shares the same commitment to community outreach and support. When in need of this essential material, labor, and expertise to keep this initiative moving forward, the Hollis Fire Department knew Metro Walls and North Point Construction would be equipped and willing to handle this unique opportunity.


“Metro Walls’ gracious donation provided the Hollis Fire Department with a rare opportunity to train on an acquired structure that was set for demolition in our town,” stated Hollis Fire Department Fire Chief Robert Boggis. “The live fire training that this two-story structure gave us was a realistic simulation to help sharpen our skills and prepare us for when we are called to uncontrolled fires. Fire is one of the most destructive forces on earth. It takes a specially trained, and dedicated individual to try and contain it. Structures, like the one Metro Walls prepped for us, allow us to hone a large array of those special skills. This opportunity allowed us to create realistic simulations and enabled us to perform many of the skills needed to give upcoming leaders chances to manage the scene. These types of trainings are invaluable and cannot be simulated in a classroom environment.’


“At Metro Walls, we’re proud to lend a helping hand to our first responders, so teaming up with the Hollis Fire Department on these critical trainings was a no brainer,” declares Bryan Hussey, President of Metro Walls. “We have nothing but respect and appreciation for the work they do and the sacrifice they make to keep our communities safe. It’s truly gratifying to know that our small contribution allowed for these rare, realistic, and valuable training scenarios for their firefighters. Collaborations like these are a great reminder that working alongside community partners can make such a positive impact on our surrounding communities, and we are proud to have played a part of this important initiative.”


Because these trainings don’t arise frequently, making the most out of each training iteration, and using it as an educational tool for new and veteran firefighters is essential to build confidence, knowledge, and experience that can translate into the real-world. This initiative is the embodiment of public and private organizations working together for the betterment of our community.

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